Sightseeing and a Food Sampler in Chicago

Sightseeing and a Food Sampler in Chicago

Chicago is an incredibly interesting city, historical in many different ways: as a hub for industry and transportation, important centre for immigration, especially Mexican, and also culturally and in culinary ways.  During a recent visit with my husband, we were able to walk around the downtown area, and try some delicious food ... click on title for more

Chicago’s Pilsen Neighbourhood

Chicago’s Pilsen Neighbourhood

Chicago's neighbourhood of Pielsen is named after the city of Plzeň in the Czech Republic.  Until the 1950s, it remained mostly inhabited by European immigrants, but gentrification and new infrastructure in the Near West Side displaced many Mexican families, which then moved to Pilsen. Nowadays, Pielsen is a vibrant neighbourhood with schools, Mexican grocers, restaurants and bakeries, as well as parks, a community centre, and the renowned  National Museum of Mexican Art ... click on title for more

Chicago, and Mexican Heritage in the Windy City

Chicago, and Mexican Heritage in the Windy City

My husband was recently in Chicago for business, and I tagged along.  Chicago, rightly nicknamed The Windy City,  is a fascinating place, with lots of things to do. Mexican workers first arrived at the beginning of the 20th century, and nowadays, Mexican culture and cuisine have a strong presence in Chicago, not just within its Hispanic neighbourhoods, but citywide ... click on title for more