Pan de Cajita – Una Golosina Guerrerense sin Gluten

Pan de Cajita – Una Golosina Guerrerense sin Gluten

I got a request to translate my post about "Pan de Cajita" to Spanish, so here it is - Alguien solicitó traducción al español de mi entrada sobre "Pan de cajita", así es que aquí está ... click on title for more

Pan de Cajita – A Gluten-free Treat from Guerrero

Pan de Cajita – A Gluten-free Treat from Guerrero

The state of Guerrero is named after Vicente Guerrero (1782-1831); he was the second president and one of the fathers of the Mexican republic, abolishing slavery in 1829.  Guerrero was betrayed, and deposed shortly after that, and by execution, he met his untimely death, on February 14, 1831.   As a homage, I am sharing this recipe for a gluten-free treat from Teloloapan, Guerrero, where it is a cherished old-fashioned bread, ubiquitous around the Day of the Dead, in November, but also available year-round. For this post, I decorated some for Valentine's Day ... click on title for more