A Green Summer Harvest

A Green Summer Harvest

After a very dry spell, we are getting drenched in a lot of rain and the occasional thunderstorm here in Southern Ontario.  It is amazing how the backyard turned bright green overnight, and a few crops were begging to be harvested, both cultivated and volunteers (aka weeds) ... click on title for more

Potherb and Fresh Cheese Tacos

Potherb and Fresh Cheese Tacos

In the Mexican state of Tlaxcala, pigweed - quintoniles, are featured in several traditional dishes, such as soups, stews as tacos; in my kitchen, I have substituted with foraged lamb's quarters - quelites de cocina, to prepare a taco filling, so simple and light, that may be served any time of day, and does not require a lot of ingredients ... click on title for more

Backyard Foraging – Potherbs (Quelites)

Backyard Foraging – Potherbs (Quelites)

Quelite is a generic name in Mexico, from the Nahuatl quilitl – edible green; a close translation to English would be “potherb”.   Originally, the name referred just to native plants, such as huauzontle, epazote and quintoniles (pigweed); during and after colonial times, new edible greens brought from Spain and around the world have been making the list, such as purslane, radish leaf, watercress, and lamb's quarters ... click on title for more