A Virtual Afternoon Tea – Mexican Basil Tisane

I am growing three different kinds of basil in my garden this year; in my previous post, I used the well-known Genovese in a tasty meatloaf, along with some Opal purple basil to add contrast to the topping and garnish.  The third kind is Cinnamon basil, also known as Mexican basil, recommended in the kitchen for infusions and sweet applications, such as syrups and baked goods.  

To prepare a nice hot beverage, I harvested a bunch of fresh cinnamon basil from my garden plant:

After washing, I plucked about two tablespoons of leaves, and allowed them to steep in one cup of freshly boiled water for five minutes, before straining into a cup:  

A hint of sugar might be added to this lovely tisane, to enhance its subtle cinnamon flavour and liquorice-like after taste.  

Basil has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties, regarded as benevolent when consumed as a foodstuff.  Infusions, such as in this case, are said to help with an upset stomach and other ailments, although there is a lack of studies, so the approval in this respect is mostly anecdotal, and scientists certainly remain despondent to endorse concentrated doses in pills or other processed products.

I am joining the August edition of A Virtual Afternoon Tea, hosted by Su @ The Zimmerbitch; on her behest, everybody is welcome to participate by reading her post and checking out her offerings (which are always impressive and delightful), writing a comment, or sharing a post.  To enjoy with a cup of my Mexican Basil tisane, I am serving some delicious Mexican Garibaldis, buttery upside-down cupcakes, coated with apricot jam and white nonpareil sprinkles:

Although these sweet treats were named as a homage to the Italian revolutionary Giuseppe Garibaldi, they were created in Mexico City in the first quarter of the 1900s.  For many years, they were the signature pastry at Pastelerías El Globo™ , and nowadays they are often found amongst the finest pan dulce (Mexican sweet bread) in many bakeries all around the country, just like the ones below, from my kitchen:  

Stay tuned for the full story and recipe of the Mexican Garibaldi, in my next post. 

22 thoughts on “A Virtual Afternoon Tea – Mexican Basil Tisane

    1. I can think of flavouring for a simple syrup (infuse water with a few leaves, strain then add equal volume of sugar, and boil until dissolved and slightly thicken) or I read the flowers are used in salads and as part of flower arrangements.

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  1. I hadn’t heard of cinnamon basil, but it sounds lovely. I’ll have to see if I can get plants or seeds here.

    Your afternoon tea combination looks so delicious; I think the tissane is a perfect pairing with those yummy sweet treats. Thank you for joining in this afternoon tea.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Cinnamon basil is new to me, as well; I got some seeds in a free packet from one of the seed companies I frequently order from. Thank you for hosting another lovely afternoon tea, Su!

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