Carnival of Mazatlán – The Journey Continues

Carnival of Mazatlán – The Journey Continues

Around the world, there are many public celebrations a few days before, and until, Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday), marked as the beginning of the Lenten season on Western Christian calendars.  Some of the most famous are the Carnival of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, featuring samba dances, Mardi Gras in New Orleans, USA, with its floats and marching bands, and Carnival in Venice, Italy, the oldest, with its elaborate masks. In Mexico, there is also a strong tradition of Carnival, with massive concerts, parades, and exhibitions around the country; the most famous and largest are in the port of Veracruz, in the state of the same name, and in Mazatlán, also a port,  in the state of Sinaloa ... click on title for more