A Holiday Menu from Jalisco

A Holiday Menu from Jalisco

One of my nieces and her husband live in Guadalajara, capital city of the Mexican state of Jalisco.  She just shared with me a photo of their Christmas tree, all decorated with Mexican crafts. Here in Canada, the government has issued an advisory against international travelling, due to COVID19, so no hope for me to join them, but I wanted to imagine how it would be to plan a holiday menu to go with my niece's decorations ... click on title for more

Jericallas – A Custardy Treat from Jalisco

Jericallas – A Custardy Treat from Jalisco

Flan is a dessert consisting of custard with a layer of caramel; it is well-known internationally from being served at many Mexican restaurants.  Another Mexican custardy dessert is jericalla, equally delicious, but unfairly not as famous as flan, even in Mexico, where it is mostly found regionally, in the state of Jalisco ... click on title for more